Looking for comfortable and affordable housing near campus? Are you interested in locating a roommate?
Here are some resources:
ICC Co-ops – learn about a student-owned and operated community that is landlord free. Low-cost leases are available April 2023 through May 2024 with many options for living arrangements which may include your room, utilities, food, and parking!
Check out the ICC Co-op video to learn about co-op living.
- Housing Access for Washtenaw County – students with a housing crisis or homelessness can get help finding emergency shelters and other housing resources. Call 734-961-1999 or email HAWC_washtenaw@usc.salvationarmy.org.
- Michigan State Housing Development Authority– find housing anywhere in Michigan and get information on affordable housing options.
- 十大彩票网赌平台 Off-Campus Housing website– find a roommate, learn about financial, transportation and other resources.
Questions? Connect with us!
Submit your inquiry to the Student Resource Center
Email: src@wccnet.edu
Call: 734-677-5105 (leave message)
Website: Student Resource Center
Office hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday - Friday